Perhaps the best-known fungal skin infections are athlete's foot and jock itch. Athlete' foot or tinea pedis produces mild to severe itching and burning on your feet especially between your toes.
The affected skin becomes soft and painful and may also crack. It is more common among men but anyone can get it.
Natural Body Spa
While athlete's foot targets the feet, jock itch invades the groin area. It produces persistent itching, along with redness and thickening of the skin. Jock itch is often thought of as a man's disease as wearing an athletic supporter creates the warm, moist environment that fungi love.
Toenails are vulnerable to fungal infections, too. The affected nails thicken and become discolored and perhaps deformed.
While fungal infections are uncomfortable and unpleasant,they are seldom serious but once you've experienced one you don't want it again. Also fungi are contagious and can spread by simple contact.
Tea tree oil which comes from Australia is an extremely strong antidote for any kind of fungal infection including the type that invades the toenails. Apply 100 percent tea tree oil twice a day to the affected area. Garlic and ginger both are also powerful fungi fighters and can be used by mixing them with hot water and applied directly to the affected area.
To prevent a fungal skin infection wear sandals or flip-flops when walking around bathrooms,locker rooms and spas. Keep infection prone area of skin as dry as possible. Dry the skin in your groin area and between your toes with a blow dryer and dust them with medicated powder. Change your socks often and let your feet air out.
Natural Fungal Skin Cures
My name is James Smith. I am a retired English teacher living in Japan. I am actively involved in online education.
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